Katalin Kalmar Dr.
- Specialities
- General Surgery Expert
- Languages
- Hungarian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Farsi (basic), German (basic)
Core competencies
Diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the anus, rectum and colon,including:
- Haemorrhoids
- Anal fissures
- Anal fistulas
- Anal and rectal bleeding
- Anal and rectal pain
- Constipation and difficult defecation
- Incomplete evacuation of stool
- Rectocele and rectal prolapse
- Pelvic floor disorders
- Anal leakage and fecal incontinence
Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.
Diagnosis and treatment of surgical disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue including:
- Pilonidal cysts and sinuses
- Hidradenitis suppurativa
- Skin boils and abscesses
- Skin cysts, lumps, moles, warts, and other lesions
Diagnostic Procedures:
- Endoscopic Investigations:
- Anoscopy
- Rectoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Gastroscopy
Functional Ano-Rectal Investigations:
- Ano-rectal manometry and physiology testing
- Endoanal ultrasound scan
- Dynamic MRI proctography (defecography)
- Bowel transit studies
Therapeutic Procedures:
- Treatment of Haemorrhoids using traditional, operative, and minimally invasive methods including hemorrhoidopexy and laser hemorrhoid procedures (LHP)
- Treatment of anal fissures with conservative and minimally invasive surgical options (e.g., muscle-relaxing injections, laser treatment, PRP)
- Management of anal abscesses and fistulas through drainage, fistulotomy, fistulectomy, advancement flap, fistula plug, fistula glue, video-assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT), and fistula laser closure (FiLaC)
- Pilonidal sinus surgeries, including traditional methods and endoscopic treatments (EPSIT, SiLaC)
- Hidradenitis surgeries utilising traditional and minimally invasive approaches (video endoscopic and laser techniques)
- Treatment for anal incontinence, including anal sphincter repair (sphincteroplasty) and augmentation
- Pelvic floor repair, including perineal rectocele repair
- Surgical removal of skin cysts, moles, boils, and other lesions
- Nationality
- Hungarian
- Summary
- Dr. Katalin Kalmar is a highly experienced general surgeon with a special interest in gastroenterology and proctology. With over 25 years of practice in Hungary, the UK and UAE, she has expertise in a wide range of general, gastrointestinal and proctological diseases.
Dr. Kalmar graduated from Pécs University, Hungary, and completed her surgical training at the Surgical Department of Pécs University and at NHS Lanarkshire hospitals in Scotland. She furthered her training with two fellowships in laparoscopic colorectal surgery and functional proctology at St Mark’s Hospital and Academic Institute in London, UK.
- MD, PhD
Hungarian Board of General Surgery
Hungarian Board of Surgical Gastroenterology
EBSQ Coloproctology - European Board of Coloproctology
Practices at
Mediclinic City Hospital
Specialist General Surgeon
Consultant Colon and Rectal Surgeon
In department General Surgery -
Mediclinic Dubai Mall
Specialist General Surgeon
Consultant Colon and Rectal Surgeon
In department General Surgery