Preventative medicine, health promotion and cancer screening
Travel medicine
Ear, nose, throat and eye complaints
Heart condition-
Gastrointestinal symptoms and joint pains
Headaches and dizziness (neurology)
Allergy, rashes and common skin lesions
Sexually transmitted disease
11 years experience working as family physician in DHA. 3 years experience working in obstetrics and gynaecology, and child health clinic. Worked in genitourinary medicine clinic.
Dr. Lamya Al Marzooqi, a UAE national consultant family physician. Graduated MBBS in 2009. I did my family medicine residency program in DHA and got Arab board and MRCGP certified. Joined subspecialty of maternal and child health fellowship program of the Irish college of family physicians 2019-2020. I have experience of 12 years in practice and dealing with variety of conditions. I have worked in diabetic clinic managing uncontrolled diabetes after I got my diabetic diploma. i have worked in genitourinary medicine clinic for a while.