David Cremonesini Dr.

Expert Paediatrics Care
Allergy and Immunology
English, Italian

Core competencies

  • All children 0 – 16 years old
  • Allergy testing and management
  • Food allergy diagnosis, testing and challenges
  • Asthma, cough and breathing problems
  • Eczema and urticarial
  • General paediatrics / newborn problems
  • Vaccinations
  • Anaphylaxis and adrenaline pens


Dr David Cremonisini is trained and qualified in Paediatrics and Allergy in the UK. He studied at Oxford University and then in London and has worked as a Paediatrician since 1997. He has worked at Royal Brompton Hospital specialising in breathing problems and in 2018 graduated from the University of Southampton with an MSc in Allergy.

Dr David has worked as a consultant in Paediatrics in UK since 2010. From 2014 – 2016 he was a consultant paediatrician at American Hospital, Dubai. He is a general paediatrician but has a speciality in allergy and performs skin prick tests and food challenges. He can manage all allergic conditions including asthma, eczema, food allergy, anaphylaxis and offers a full service in his clinic. Where there is doubt he can do challenges in hospital.

He also works with the dietician at Mediclinic Parkview Hospital and has links with ENT, dermatology and lung function laboratory. He also looks after children with breathing problems such as cough, breathlessness and has links with chest physiotherapy.

Dr. David has published papers on asthma and developed guidelines in the UK on milk allergy. He worked on a recent paper looking at why children and adults die from asthma in UK and wrote the school guideline for asthma attacks with the DHA. In the past he was a school doctor at DESS.

Dr David is a Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and is an examiner for them. He has presented at National meetings in UK, Dubai and Sharjah.
Special Interests
Allergy and Immunology

Can Health Visitors support GPs in management of Cow's Milk Allergy in infants? Cremonesini D et al Poster BSACI confernece 2018

Managing Childhood Asthma in Primary Care Cremonesini D Nursing in Practice 2016

Reducing Asthma deaths​: Lessons from National Review Cremonesini D Nursing in Practice 2015

Asthma inhaler use in young children. Pool J Cremonesini D. Community Pract 2014 Dec;87(12):44-7

Wheeze in a pre-school child: is it asthma? Cremonesini D. Community Pract. 2014 Apr;87(4):45-7

Childhood asthma: Going back to the basics. Cremonesini D Practice Nursing 2013 24(10)

Lung colonization with Aeromonas hydrophila in cystic fibrosis believed to have come from a tropical fish tank. Cremonesini D, Thomson A. J R Soc Med. 2008 101 Suppl 1:S44-5

Longitudinal evaluation of airway function 21 years after preterm birth. Narang I, Rosenthal M Cremonesini D et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2008 178(1):74-80

How should we manage empyema: antibiotics alone, fibrinolytics, or primary VATS. Cremonesini D, Thomson AH. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2007 28(3):322-32

The preschool wheezer. Cremonesini D Thomson A Medicine 2007 36:4


MBBS, BA (OXON), MSc (Allergy)


Mediclinic Parkview Hospital

Dubai, UAE
Al Barsha, South 3

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