Mediclinic Al Madar provides the community and surrounding areas with access to a comprehensive range of primary medical services. Patients also have access to more advanced hospital services available at Mediclinic’s hospitals in Al Ain. The clinic employs a team of skilled and highly experienced doctors, nurses, technicians and other support staff.
Clinic timings
ميديكلينيك المدار ترحب بكم في بيئة آمنة وصحية
من السبت إلى الخميس: 10 صباحاً - 5 مساءً ومن 8 مساءً إلى 12 صباحا
الجمعة: مغلق
للمواعيد 037041111
Mediclinic Al Madar welcomes you:
Saturday to Thursday from :10:00 am to 05:00 pm & 08:00 pm to 12:00 am
Friday Closed
For appointments 037041111