Alain Chalhoub Dr.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Arabic, English, French, Italian

Core competencies


  • Preconception, antenatal and post-natal care.
  • Special interest in natural procreative technology as means to achieve or to avoid pregnancy, based on the Creighton Model Fertility Care System of vaginal discharge.
  • Early pregnancy care including miscarriage, recurrent miscarriages, ectopic and molar pregnancy.
  • Screening for Down syndrome and genetic counselling
  • Early detection and screening for fetal anomalies.
  • Management of normal and low risk pregnancy and follow up of fetal growth by ultrasound 
  • Management of antenatal complications, high-risk pregnancy and obstetric emergencies
  • Management of medical complications with pregnancy
  • Fetal medicine and assessment of fetal well-being
  • Management of bleeding in early and late pregnancy.
  • Management of vaginal delivery and intra-partum complications
  • Operative obstetrics including vaginal deliveries, caesarean sections and management of miscarriage, cervical cerclage and instrumental vaginal delivery
  • Management of post-partum haemorrhage
  • Postpartum care

Obstetric procedures including:

  • High and low risk vaginal deliveries
  • Painless vaginal delivery
  • Vaginal birth after caesarean section
  • Induction of labour and pre-induction cervical ripening
  • Operative vaginal delivery
  • Management of intrapartum injuries to the birth canal
  • High and low risk caesarean sections
  • Medical and surgical management of major obstetric haemorrhage (i.e. uterine compressing sutures, uterine and pelvic devascularisation, uterine tamponade, packing, and peripartum hysterectomy)
  • Expectant, medical and surgical management of miscarriage
  • Medical and surgical management of ectopic pregnancy
  • Cervical cerclage
  • Other obstetric manoeuvers including external cephalic version and internal podalic version


  • Management of vaginal infections, sexual transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • Medical and surgical management of abnormal uterine bleeding and menstrual disturbances (endometrial biopsy, endometrial ablation, polypectomy and IUCD extraction)
  • Management of premenopausal and post-menopausal bleeding
  • Endometrial sampling procedures
  • Management of dysmenorrhea and endometriosis
  • Postmenopausal care, follow up and management of menopausal symptoms
  • Natural family planning
  • Reproductive endocrinology, including management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), amenorrhea, hirsutism, hyperandrogenism and galactorrhea
  • Operative gynaecology including open, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic procedures.
  • Early detection and management of breast and female genital tumours including follow up and surgical management of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids
  • Management of breast disorders
  • Management of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Adolescent gynaecology, including management of puberty disorders, menstruation abnormalities and dysmenorrhea
  • Hysteroscopic surgeries including: hysteroscopic management of abnormal bleeding (endometrial biopsy, endometrial polypectomy, myomectomy), hysteroscopic myomectomy of submucosal fibroids, hysteroscopic removal of uterine polyps, and hysteroscopic contraceptive device extraction
  • Diagnostic an operative laparoscopy and adhesiolysis
  • Colposcopy and management of premalignant lesions of the cervix
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Aesthetic vaginal rejuvenation and cosmetic gynaecology


Dr Alain is an accredited obstetrician and gynaecologist consultant by DOH-HAAD, DHA, and LOP. Dr. Alain Chalhoub obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree from the American University of Beirut in 2010 and completed his specialisation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the American University of Beirut Medical Centre in 2014. He has been practicing obstetrics and gynaecology since then, with a special interest in natural birth and high-risk obstetrics, gynaecological procedures, and natural fertility care and family planning methods. He recently also received certification as fertility care medical consultant from Saint Paul VI Institute in affiliation with Creighton University, Nebraska. Dr. Chalhoub has participated in several research projects, written a chapter on energy in endoscopic surgery, and a review article on nutrition during pregnancy and postpartum, and presented in several CME-accredited conferences. He has over 14 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology.


Specialty in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the American University of Beirut
Medical consultant in NaProTechnology from Saint Paul VI Institute in affiliation with Creighton University, Nebraska
Doctor of Medicine from the American University of Beirut
Bachelor of Science in Biology from the American University of Beirut


Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital

Abu Dhabi, UAE
Khalifa Street, next to First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB)

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