Core competencies

  • Fertility and reproductive medicine
  • Labour ward management


Sudanese, British
Dr. Raoya Farah is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist. She has vast experience in gynaecology surgery including Laparoscopic salpingectomy, ovarian cystectomies, tubal ligation and treatment of endometriosis level 2. She carries out hysteroscopy procedures including endometrial polypectomies, and treatment of heavy periods through endometrium ablation. She has vast experience in colposcopy and management of abnormal smears and cervical screening programs me based on international screening programs .She has as wide experience in all obstetrics procedures including rotation instrumental deliveries and complex caesarean sections. Dr Raoya Farah developed a satellite fertility centre within a London women clinic in Harley Street. The service included stimulation induction protocols and follicle scanning. Dr Raoya Farah has undertaken lead roles in both obstetrics and gynaecology and currently is the head of department leading the team to provide excellent service and support the women that present to the Mediclinic Al Noor obstetrics and gynaecology department.


MBBS, Dip (Family Planning), Dip (Reproductive Medicine), MOET, ALSG, BSCCP, MRCOG


Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital

Abu Dhabi, UAE
Khalifa Street, next to First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB)

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