Mediclinic Group is aware of a fake social media post that is being circulated requesting users to engage with a Medical Feedback Reward Survey. Mediclinic has not circulated any such survey. The social media post has not been published by Mediclinic. Mediclinic advises that people do not engage with the survey or respond. We release all our official communications on our website and our official social media channels which are listed on the website’s footer.
DNS low back and neck deep muscle stabilisation exercises
Acute and chronic low back and neck pain management
Non-surgical knee pain and syndromes.
Shoulder impingement and shoulder pain syndromes
Pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation for knee, shoulder, ankle, hip
Injury prevention
Muscle injuries
Sport specific rehabilitation
Damir graduated with a Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Split, Medical College, Croatia in 2010. He has over ten years’ experience in various fields of sport and orthopaedic physiotherapy. While at college he also worked as a physiotherapist for the Handball Club from 2008 until 2013. His role in the Handball Club was assessment, diagnosis, injury management and sports specific rehabilitation of players. On completion of his graduation, he worked for one year as a professional (intern) practice at the local hospital in Split.
In March 2013, he joined football club RNK SPLIT and in June 2015 he was promoted to Head Physiotherapist. His recent role, before joining Mediclinic Parkview Hospital was at a renowned hospital in Dubai as a specialist MSK physiotherapist.