Sondos Awad Dr.

Expert Dentistry Care
English, Arabic

Core competencies

Invisalign Certified Provider to provide Invisalign system (clear aligners) for treating mild to moderate and complex malocclusions in growing patients, teens and adults

Experience and Skills:

  • Orthodontic diagnosis with recognition of the various characteristics of the different malocclusions.
  • Full examination of skeletal form, soft tissue relationships and occlusal features (patient’s chief complaint, medical and dental history, clinical examination and diagnostic records: radiographs, photos, study models and digital simulation of the appropriate treatment plan)
  • Communication with the patient providing enough information about the treatment plan details and stages, to ensure that the patient understands the nature, consequences and any substantial risks of the treatment proposed, in order to be able to make an informed decision
  • Control and modify facial growth of patients performing dentofacial orthopaedics to improve facial aesthetics
  • Using full fixed braces and appliances (metal or ceramic) to treat various dental malalignments
  • Substantial knowledge of fundamentals in appliance history, prescription, and associated treatment effects
  • Systematic approach of applying the fundamentals of orthodontic mechanics in all treatment stages.
  • Design and fabrication of different types of appliances
  • Using Invisalign Clear Aligners and digital simulation of treatment plan stages
  • Using miniscrews TADs in orthodontic treatment (placement procedure and mechanics)
  • Retention plan after the completion of orthodontic treatment


Dr. Awad is a 0rofessionally qualified Specialist Orthodontist with over 19 years of experience in the field of Dentistry, and comprehensive clinical training as a Specialist Orthodontist following the educational curriculum of Malmo University – Sweden. He has rich experience in all types of braces and clear aligners, and is interested in scientific research and the delivery of scientific information. He is licensed by Dubai Health Authority and is an Invisalign certified provider.


Master’s degree of Orthodontics and Orthopaedics


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