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Neuro anaesthesia, including paediatric neuro anaesthesia and Awake craniotomies
Obstetric anaesthesia
Enhanced recovery programme after surgeries (ERAS)
Regional anaesthesia
Dr Indira Kannan is a UK-trained anaesthetist with 30 years of experience, including 17 years as a consultant anaesthetist across multiple tertiary referral hospitals. Her career spans institutions in India, Ireland, the UK, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Specialising in paediatric anaesthesia, neuro anaesthesia and obstetric anaesthesia, she is also a passionate advocate for education, leadership and quality improvement in anaesthesia and perioperative care.
After completing her undergraduate medical degree and postgraduate training in anaesthesia in Chennai, India, she moved to Ireland and the UK for specialist training. Most of her training was at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, a tertiary referral centre for neurosciences, trauma, obstetrics and paediatrics anaesthesia. During her final year of specialist training, Dr Indira did higher training in paediatrics and obstetric anaesthesia. She was awarded CCT in 2008 and subsequently worked as a consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, specialising in neuro, head and neck and regional anaesthesia. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
Dr Indira worked in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) for 13 years and later joined National Guard Health Affairs (NGHA) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as a consultant anaesthetist in 2013. She anaesthetised a wide range of patients, from neonates to geriatrics, obstetrics to bariatrics, including high-risk paediatrics and neurosurgery. In 2016, She moved to Tawam Hospital, Al Ain. As a consultant paediatric anaesthetist, she continued her diverse clinical practice of managing complex paediatric, neonatal, neuro anaesthesia, bariatric and orthopaedic anaesthesia. In 2020, she joined Mediclinic Parkview Hospital, where she continues to contribute to all facets of anaesthetic practice.
In her leadership role, Dr Indira was the Program Director for the ACGME-I accredited residency program in anaesthesiology at Tawam Hospital from 2017 to 2020. She was also a member of the Hospital’s JCI steering committee and JCI lead for the Anaesthesia and Surgical Care (ASC) chapter from 2016 to 2020. Dr Indira was an independent panel member of the hospital’s M&M committee in NGHA and Anaesthetic lead for Maxillofacial Surgery at the RVI. Since 2021, she has been the anaesthesia coordinator for MBRU students rotating to MPAR.
Dr Indira has led quality improvement initiatives and audits that have led to change in practice across all hospitals where she worked. These include implementing the WHO surgical safety checklist and improving pre-sedation assessment compliance for non-anaesthesiologists supporting JCI CCPC reaccreditation at Tawam Hospital.
Dr Indira actively promotes education and research. She holds a postgraduate certificate in clinical education from Newcastle University, was an Assistant Professor (Joint appointment) at the College of Medicine-KSAU-HS, Jeddah, and is currently an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at MBRU, Dubai. In the UK, she was a member of the ARCP panel at the Northern Deanery for Anaesthesia and was a mentor, appraiser, examiner, educational supervisor and co-organised courses. She was closely involved in postgraduate and undergraduate teaching in Newcastle, Jeddah, and Al Ain. In 2023, her research work with MBRU students was presented as a poster that won the first runner-up award at the Mediclinic Middle East Research Conference in Dubai. She has published in reputed journals like Anaesthesia & Analgesia and the Journal of Graduate Medical Education and presented at international conferences, including the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. Her studies include clinical learning environments, pain relief during childbirth, and children’s perioperative fasting. She has developed a competency-based curriculum according to the ACGME common program requirement and was the lead author for Moderate sedation for non-anaesthesiologist policy guidelines at Tawam Hospital. A certified Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) instructor, Dr Indira continues to advance anaesthesia through clinical practice, leadership and commitment to education and research.