Leila Ismail Dr.

Breast Imaging Servicing
English, Afrikaans

Core competencies

  • Breast MRI and breast MRI guided biopsies
  • Percutaneous needle biopsies under ultrasound guidance of breast and axillary nodes
  • Tomosynthesis guided stereotactic biopsies
  • Vacuum assisted biopsies (VAB) with mammogram, ultrasound and MRI modalities
  • Ultrasound guided vacuum excision (VAE) of small breast masses not amenable to surgery
  • Pre-surgical breast localisation techniques including wires and seeds
  • Gynaecological MRI
  • Oncological imaging


Dr Leila is a Consultant Radiologist with particular expertise in Breast and Gynaecological Imaging, who has international experience having trained in leading teaching hospitals in London. She completed her medical training at the University of Cape Town, South Africa where she obtained her MBChB with Honours.

Dr Leila went on to complete her Clinical Radiology training in London Northwest University Hospitals Trust, U.K where she obtained a fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists FRCR(UK) in 2016. She undertook a clinical fellowship in Breast and Gynaecological Imaging at London Northwest University Hospitals and Imperial Hospitals Trust, and obtained her Clinical Certificate of Specialist Training in Radiology (CCST) in 2019. Dr Leila worked for the National Health Service (NHS) as a Consultant Radiologist specialising in Breast and Gynaecological Imaging prior to joining Mediclinic City Hospital. She is highly skilled in all advanced breast radiological modalities and procedures and is committed to providing the highest level of patient care.


MBChB(hons), FRCR(UK), CCT(UK)

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