Alexandra Economacos Dr.

Breast Imaging Servicing
English, Afrikaans, Greek, German

Core competencies

  • Diagnostic mammography including 3D/tomosynthesis and contrast mammography
  • Screening mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Breast MRI and breast MRI guided biopsies 
  • Core needle biopsies under ultrasound guidance of breast and axillary nodes
  • Vacuum biopsy with mammogram, ultrasound and MRI modalities
  • Ultrasound guided vacuum excision of small breast masses not amenable to surgery
  • Breast localisation techniques with hookwire or seed insertion


Greek, South African
Dr Alex started and completed all her medical training in South Africa and is a University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg graduate (1992), Diplomate of Anesthesia (1994) and Fellow of College of South African Radiologists (1999).

She superspecialised into the field of breast imaging ,working as a dedicated breast consultant at The Bone and Breast Care Centre, Johannesburg.

Arriving in Dubai, 2008, she established the first dedicated breast imaging unit at Mediclinic City Hospital, offering image guided breast interventions to limit unnecessary surgeries and guide more personalised treatment options. This passion was integral in setting up the multidisciplinary team meetings that continue to provide a good forum for international best practice.

She has a keen interest in education and teaching and has participated as presenter and faculty at many local and international congresses. She is involved in medical student teaching and student research projects through the Mohammed Bin Rashid University



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