You are getting closer to the date of your baby`s arrival. By week 39 your baby is ready to be born and should be engaged in the pelvis in the head down position. Some babies do not engage and some pregnancies continue until 42 weeks. 
In either case, your consultant will discuss birthing options with you and help you to prepare your birthing plan.

Make sure you have discussed your birth plan, chosen your paediatrician and considered family planning options for after the birth.

Physical symptoms:

  • There is no reason you should find sex any less enjoyable and it’s safe till your water breaks or labour starts. Ask your consultant or midwife for advice and discuss any other concerns you may have
  • You may experience a strong urge to start preparing your home for baby’s arrival. This is called the ‘nesting instinct’ and some experts believe it may even trigger labour
  • Sleeping difficulties are common in the third trimester. Use pillows to support your body and relieve pressure

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