The term midwife means “together with woman”, and that is exactly what our midwives are here to do

We are here to support, encourage, assist and empower women in their labour, delivery and immediate postnatal phase. To witness the birth of your child is something we hold precious and we consider it a privilege to be by your side.

Our diverse team of passionate and skilled midwives speak 14 different languages and hail from 18 ethnic origins. As a group we have 333 years of experience in midwifery both internationally and within the Middle East.  Our unique Maternity unit stands for and believes in multicultural respect and individualised care, where women are at the centre of their own birth experience.

As a collaborative team, we work closely with obstetricians, anaesthetists, paediatricians, postnatal and neonatal nurses to ensure families are supported through the first days of parenthood, using best international standards and baby friendly practices.

Midwifery is a not just an occupation, but a true dedication to family-centred care.
