Lower Back Pain and Sciatica in Interventional Pain Medicine


Lower back pain and sciatica are prevalent conditions that can significantly impact daily life. Interventional pain medicine offers a range of minimally invasive procedures designed to diagnose and treat these conditions effectively. This one-page information aims to provide an overview of lower back pain and sciatica within the context of interventional pain medicine.

Causes of Lower Back Pain and Sciatica:

Herniated discs: Discs between vertebrae bulge or rupture, causing pressure on spinal nerves.

Spinal stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal, compressing nerves.

Degenerative disc disease: Wear and tear on spinal discs over time.

Sciatica: Compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, often caused by herniated discs or spinal stenosis.

Muscle strain: Overuse, poor posture or sudden movements leading to muscle strain in the lower back.

Interventional Pain Medicine Techniques:

Epidural steroid injections: Steroids are injected into the epidural space to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Facet joint injections: Medications are injected into facet joints to relieve pain originating from these joints.

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA): Application of heat to nerves responsible for pain signals, providing long-term relief.

Percutaneous laser disc decompression: Minimally invasive removal of a portion of the intervertebral disc to relieve pressure on nerves.

Endoscopic spine procedure:   The most advanced technique to address spine pain problems without the risk of open spine surgery. With spine endoscopy, any pain-causing structure of the spine can be addressed with more than a 95% success rate.


Percutaneous spine fusion: Endoscopic-assisted fusion and interspinous-interlaminar fusion devices are intended for the stabilisation of the thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine. These devices provide immobilization, stabilisation, and fusion of the spinal segments.

Kyphoplasty: The procedure is very effective in treating vertebral compression fractures due to trauma, osteoporosis, or cancer. Kyphoplasty involves cement insertion inside the vertebral body together with the creation of a cavity using a balloon, which allows the cement to be injected before being removed.

Spinal cord stimulation: Implantation of a device delivering electrical impulses to interfere with pain signals.

Benefits of Interventional Pain Medicine:

Targeted relief: Procedures focus on specific pain generators, providing precise and effective treatment.

Minimally invasive: Many interventions involve small incisions, reducing recovery time and risk of complications.

Improved functionality: By addressing the root cause of pain, patients often experience enhanced mobility and functionality.


Comprehensive approach: Interventional pain medicine is often part of a comprehensive pain management plan, including medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.

Patient education: Understanding the nature of the pain and actively participating in the treatment plan is crucial for successful outcomes.

Potential risks: As with any medical procedure, risks and benefits should be discussed thoroughly with healthcare providers.


Interventional pain medicine plays a vital role in managing lower back pain and sciatica, offering targeted solutions to alleviate pain and improve the overall quality of life for individuals suffering from these conditions. Through a personalised and comprehensive approach, interventional pain medicine continues to advance the field of pain management, providing effective relief for those with lower back pain and sciatica.