A Guide to summer pregnancy from maternity care experts In Dubai, Summer pregnancy: an FAQ guide from maternity experts

People have varying opinions on summertime pregnancy. Some vow that it’s a great time to nurture a child in the womb, while others say it’s too hot for comfort.

Either way, pregnancy can be a magical time for the parents-to-be.
This article tackles some of the most pressing questions about being pregnant during this time of year and answers from maternity care experts in Dubai to help you have a safe and comfortable summer pregnancy.

Can the summer heat affect pregnancy?
Yes, if certain conditions are present.
If a pregnant woman’s body temperature goes beyond 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit, she faces a higher risk of heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration.
She may also experience Braxton Hicks contractions (“practice” contractions) from the lack of fluid in the body. Fainting spells that could be dangerous in the later half of the pregnancy can also occur.

Can hot weather hurt my unborn baby?
Anyone can become uncomfortable during hot weather – pregnant women, most of all. The summer months can be particularly risky because of the possible complications they bring to the pregnancy.
Here are some reasons why:

  • Dehydration
    During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes changes that alter how they fare in certain situations. One particular change you should pay attention to is how your body handles fluids and controls your temperature.
    Pregnancy might make it easier for you to get dehydrated or show signs of dehydration than before, leading to potential issues.
    For one, dehydration can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded and cause you to faint. A fall during the late second trimester and early third trimester can be harmful to you and your unborn child. It can even lead to amniotic fluid loss.
    It can also result in the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. But besides triggering thirst, it also set off “false” uterine contractions during the third trimester, called the Braxton Hicks contractions.
    There is also a chance that vasopressin can cause preterm labour. This becomes even more dangerous if you remain dehydrated through the contractions because of the possibility of a decrease in blood volume and blood pressure.
  • Hyperthermia
    Another concern for pregnancy during summer is hyperthermia – the condition that comes with abnormally high-temperature levels in the body.
    According to foetal medicine doctors, hyperthermia can increase the risk of congenital issues in the unborn child if experienced in early pregnancy. Evidence revealed that babies born from pregnant women who had hyperthermia within six to eight weeks of gestation face a higher risk of neural tube defects, like spina bifida.
    However, this risk is mostly limited up to the eighth week of pregnancy. Once that has passed, any spike in body temperature is unlikely to cause congenital concerns in your baby.

How do I deal with pregnancy in the summer?
The challenge posed by summer pregnancies is focused on the heat
. Not only is it hotter outdoors, but your temperature also elevates because of the spike in progesterone flowing in your body during the first trimester.
To avoid the risk of dehydration, hyperthermia, and other heat-related conditions that could put you and your baby in danger, here are some of our maternity doctors’ recommendations:

Make the most of swimming pools.
Whether it’s a temperature-controlled swimming pool at a beach club or an inflatable wading pool in your backyard, relaxing in cool water is one of the best ways to beat the summer heat.
When you’re pregnant, the water also helps you relax by taking the pressure off your feet.

Wear light and breezy clothing.
Loose-fitting clothing provides both comfort and relief from the sticky humidity and boiling heat. Choose breezy fabrics in light colours that reflect the sun’s rays.

Protect yourself from the sun.
Never go out in the middle of a sunny day as you’re more prone to sunburn during pregnancy. If you must, be sure to protect yourself from the harsh UV rays by wearing a hat and sunglasses, using a parasol, and applying sunscreen with SPF 30 to 45 (especially if you have fair skin).

Be careful when, where, and how you exercise.
Physical activity is important for pregnant women and their unborn children. However, it can be challenging to get any kind of exercise in the sweltering heat of summer.
To be safe, don’t partake in any vigorous outdoor activities when the sun’s rays are strongest, which is from mid-morning to late afternoon. Instead, get moving early in the morning or just as the sun is about to set.
If the weather outside isn’t conducive for any outdoor workout, consider exercising indoors where there’s air conditioning. Sign up for a pregnancy program at the gym or find an indoor class that suits your needs.
You should also be picky when it comes to your exercise routines. Swimming is a great choice because it is a low-resistance-high-impact workout, not to mention it lets you cool off from the summer heat.

Make sure you drink eight ounces of fluids (water or electrolyte replacement) every hour you spend outside on a hot summer's day.

Stay indoors.
If you experience any sign of fatigue, dizziness, weakness, or excessive thirst, take shelter indoors immediately. Lie down and drink a cool beverage to lower your body’ temperature.
If your condition doesn’t improve, talk to your doctor right away.

Have a Comfortable Summer Pregnancy
Pregnancy during the summer can be challenging for some women. Beef up your knowledge of the risks and learn how you can have a comfortable summer pregnancy with the help and guidance of the best maternal doctors in Dubai.
Schedule an appointment at Mediclinic today.

Article for blog expansion: https://www.mediclinic.ae/en/corporate/health-knowledge/general-health-articles/pregnancy-during-summer.html